Forecasting supply and demand

The company

  • The customer offers global recycling solutions. By buying recycled materials from the companies that generate them, and selling them to those that transform them, the company is the missing link in the global recycling industry.

The Challenge: Improving supply and demand prediction

  • Fluctuating prices on international markets have a huge impact on the company's profitability, and greater predictability had become strategic for our customer.

The solution - Intelligent prediction tool

  • We have integrated machine learning models into existing technological infrastructures, which, thanks to the analysis of international material price trends, transactions reported in public registers and internal history, have enabled us to better anticipate changes in supply (suppliers) and demand (customers).

  • We have also developed dashboards to optimize the use of available data to better inform management decisions.

The results

  • The tools developed enabled the customer to forecast world price fluctuations over a 2-month horizon

  • The gains in productivity and competitiveness achieved thanks to the tools implemented increased the value of the company, which was subsequently acquired.

  • The Model is able to anticipate any drop in demand in excess of 30%.

  • This better anticipation of purchasing variations has enabled the customer to better direct the actions of its representatives towards customers and suppliers, resulting in greater stability in the flow of traded materials.


Anomaly detection and digital vision